Technical Editors

Syed Mustafa Jamal, Pakistan 

Syed Mustafa Jamal is a bioengineer, immensely interested in the convergence of regenerative medicine and neuroscience. His research work focuses on techniques to modify cell directionality and alignment as an approach to induce regeneration after damage due to injury or disease. Prior experience with work on neural regeneration, and skilled in biomaterial fabrication, tissue engineering, electrical stimulation, computational modeling, and protocol development. He is a graduate of Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology (SSUET) and obtained a Master of Science (MS) degree from the University of Florida, United States. He is currently serving as Research Associate at the Centre for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research (AKU-CRM), Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan under the supervision of Dr. El-Nasir Lalani.

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