Non-medical preimplantation gender selection. A clear gendercide and sexism in Pakistan.


  • Neelam Barkat Ali Advance Educational Institute & Research Centre.



Assisted Reproductive Technology, In-Vitro Fertilization, Non-Medical Sex Selection, Sexism, Gendercide, Gender Inequality, Legislative Authorities.


Assisted reproductive technology (ART) advances since the birth of Louis brown in 1978 since then this field introduces innovative techniques such as preimplantation genetic diagnosis. This technique offer the opportunity to fertile and infertile couples to select sex of their offspring prior to implantation via in-vitro fertilization (IVF). These techniques in Pakistan are practicing since three decades without any legislative authorities that actually favors to choose a son instead of a daughter. This accounts as an unethical tradition in international market which also indicates a substantial social harm to our state in coming future. Non-medical sex selection is believe to be exhibits sexism and gendercide, which can threatens the psychological welfare and future liberties of the child. Also it promotes a common social stereotype of sex upon children from the moment of their birth and create uneven gender distribution which can lead to a social devastation like; incidence of child marriage and sex trafficking, kidnapping and selling of women, fraternal polyandry etc. This section, mainly in Pakistan, making a call for legal and regulatory possibilities, enforcing a ban on non-medical sex selection for its contribution to gender inequality and gendercide.




How to Cite

Neelam Barkat Ali. (2017). Non-medical preimplantation gender selection. A clear gendercide and sexism in Pakistan. International Journal on Women Empowerment, 3, 22–25.