
Being an author 

International Journal of Women Empowerment does not require all authors of a single manuscript to communicate with the journal editor. The copyright form is sent to the corresponding author. The corresponding author is responsible for all sort of communication between the journal and all other co-authors of the submitted manuscript before and after publication. By signing the copyright statement the authors assure that they have agreed to the current authorship sequence and the affiliations mentioned are correct and approved the manuscript submission to IJWE. Authors are recommended to report all sorts of changes before publication. For changes in the authorship sequence, addition or deletion of authors from the list requires approval statement from each author including the author to be added or removed.  

While generating the authorship sequence the authors must include all appropriate contributors and not others, keeping in view the level of contribution they made in the submitted manuscript. We expect authors to handle disputes regarding authorship but if they cannot do so the case must be brought to the editors.

IJWE follows Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines for disagreement between the authors before and after publication.

After submission, we assume that the corresponding author of the submitted manuscript holds the responsibility to assure the data originality, its preservation, and is responsible to provide all data files for evaluation during the review process. 

Author contributions statements

We recommend Authors to mention a contribution statement in the manuscript. The statement should specify the contribution made by the author in the manuscript preparation. The details may vary according to the manuscript category and the work done individually or in the form of a group. IJWE recommend a set of two to six co-authors mentioned in the authorship list as having equally contributed. 

An author must be able to identify which co-author is responsible for the specific part of the work. In addition, the corresponding authors should have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of every other co-author. IJWE includes only one corresponding author per article to avoid all sorts of miscommunication while the rest can be mentioned in the author list.

Corresponding Author - Prepublication responsibilities

All sorts of communication with the journal regarding manuscript submission and publication process are the primary responsibility of the Corresponding Author. The corresponding author must ensure that all authors are included in the authors' list before manuscript submission. Moreover, he/she should verify whether all authors are satisfied and agreeing on the current sequence of the authors' list. It must be verified by the corresponding author that all the journal’s administrative requirements are met and the manuscript is not under consideration or already published elsewhere.

Corresponding Author - Responsibilities after acceptance

After the rounds of review and editing the final copy-proof is sent to the corresponding author, it is now his/her responsibility to circulate the copy proof among other co-authors and further correspond with the journal on their behalf.  Any request for a change after publication will not be considered, for the mistakes that were previously approved by the authors in the copy proof. The corresponding author is responsible for the accuracy of all the names, correct spellings, addresses and affiliations are current for all the co-authors.

Corresponding Author - Responsibilities after publication

Any published correction requires the consent of all co-authors. In cases where one or some authors do not agree with the correction statement, the coordinating author must include a statement highlighting correspondence to and from the dissenting author(s).

IJWE follows Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines for disagreement between the authors before and after publication.


According to IJWE criteria, the contributors of the study whose names are not given in the authors' list should be mentioned in the acknowledgment section at the end of the manuscript with details of the contribution made the specific person.

Alteration to authorship or contributorship

Initially, after submission, any change in authors or contributors will be considered including additions, deletions, change of order, but the request must be approved by all authors. The alterations must be explained clearly to the editor, the editor may further contact any of the authors to investigate whether they all agreed to any alteration or not.

Only in exceptional circumstances, the Editor considers the request for a change after the manuscript has been accepted. Publication of the respective manuscript will be suspended for a while. If the change is requested after the manuscript has been published IJWE follows COPE guidelines for Changes in authorship.

A confidential process

IJWE preserves the identity of the authors and reviewers. The communication between the authors and the editors are kept confidential. We expect the authors to maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript before publication, the author should avoid publicizing review reports and other relevant material.  In case if the documents are publicized without prior permission or notice to the editor may lead to rejection of the manuscript.

Referee suggestions

We respect your suggestions for the selective reviewers but the peer-reviewers are selected by the editors only. Although upon request a few may be excluded while making the choice.  

Consortia authorship

IJWE facilitates consortium authorships as well. In this case, we recommend highlighting the members of the consortium who agree to the responsibility of the author separately from those who do not.